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Saturday, September 18, 2010 ‚ô•
i pierced it.

I pierced it.
my belly button.
took me forever to get myself to the store and actually jab a needle through.
But I'm glad I did it, cause I really like it.
So here's the story:

All morning, butterflies were making babies in my stomach. I was so nervous. Then my mom and I went to the store in Main Street. It's lame how your legal guardian has to be present if you're planning to get a piercing...if you're under 18. So lame. Well then my mom went and we picked out the ring I wanted. Then they led me into the "room" where I had to lay down. The guy that pierced me had a sanitary mask on so I couldn't see what he looked like. He had long hair and a rather tall and scrawny body. But then he told me to stand up and basically, he went down on me. NOT WHAT YOU THINK. He had to go on his knees while I was standing...which I don't think my asian mother was very comfortable with. But he marked things up and stuff, then told me to lay down. At this point, I think my mom had sort of a panic attack. But then he put on his gloves and whipped out two scary looking tools. One of which looks like something you would see in a surgical procedure. He clamped the top fold of my belly button with some clamping tool and proceeded to stare awkwardly at me. I assumed he was waiting for my nod. And so I motioned for my mom to walk over so I could squeeze her hand. MORAL SUPPORT. But she insisted to remain in the corner because she didn't really want to witness some stranger jab a needle through my skin. But she finally came over anyway. He then whips out this needle 35 TIMES BIGGER THAN A NORMAL LOOKING NEEDLE. That sort of made my mom felt like she was on the verge of passing out. He told me to take a deep breath in and as I exhaled, I felt this sharp pain that lasted approximately 1/2 a second. Kind of like someone just shot you. It was definitely a lot better than what I had anticipated. The pain was about a 4 on a scale of 1-10. It wasn't bad at all.

@ 6:53 PM

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Monday, September 13, 2010 ‚ô•

1. I'm starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Summer has fattened me a little and now I need to de-fattenize myself. Homecoming is in a month and my dress isn't zipping completely.

2. So I got to school today and everyone was down with either a flu or chest problems. Including me. My icky sinuses have been bothering me all day. What to do...

3. Almond butter + coconut jam sandwich is my new favorite lunch.

@ 6:18 PM

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Thursday, September 2, 2010 ‚ô•
telephone ma ma ma telephone

so Lady Gaga + Beyonce's telephone is currently stuck in ma head. It's addicting to some extent and now it's just plain jane annoying.

Anyway, school started (again) about 2 weeks ago. It's been stressful since Day 1. Can you imagine? This is supposed to be the most important/most stressful year of my life. K maybe not my life, but high school. ACTs/SATs...and to top it all off, IB Exams. I need a vacation, that's it!

So I was supposed to go back to KL this December but guess what ? Ya you guessed it. So my uncle planned a fat "family" vacation this December. After like 5 years, he suddenly decided that we should do an extended family vacation again. Of course when I plan to visit KL, things interrupt. Story of my life thank you. But on the bright side, I'll have a Caribbean beach vacation this winter and KL next summer. I guess I won't complain.

@ 6:22 PM

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Friday, August 6, 2010 ‚ô•
time to not be lazy.

So I just got home from Jamaica 3 days ago and I must say, it was the ultimate bomb diggity. I mean what could get better than unlimited restriction to sun, pools, swim-up bar, ocean...EVERYDAY. *silent shriek*

Anyway, pics are up on facebook. Yes I swam with dolphins and stingrays. I must say, I definitely like the dolphins much better. Nothing against the stingrays, I'm just saying. Ziplining/flying fox was pretty fun as well. Haha I definitely felt like a jungle bird as I was flying next to one. How cool :-) Late night shows were amazing as well. I mean seriously, entertainment from 9:30-11 pm. Clubbing from 11-2am. Chhyeah!

@ 9:51 AM

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Saturday, July 24, 2010 ‚ô•

i just got home from kickboxing with Michelle & Maddie. It wasn't too bad. I was expecting much more soreness but my Insanity workout DVD kicked me into shape. You know what's awkward? As I was striking my downward facing dog pose, I looked out the door and saw my P.E. teacher staring right back at me. Ms. Jennings. Aaaaahhh then she frantically waved and I was like heeyyyyy.

So Rachel, Michelle, and I went to Waterworld on Wednesday. I had funnel cake for the first time! HOMG, so delicious. Please someone give me the recipe. Fried cake stuff with whipped cream and cherries on top. Yummmmmy. I think I just drooled on my table. Well 'nuf said bout the food.

@ 9:29 AM

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Monday, July 19, 2010 ‚ô•
congrats Iana Stoytcheva

I'd like to acknowledge that my dear European friend, Iana Stoytcheva, is now a proud employee of,


@ 2:07 PM

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Saturday, July 17, 2010 ‚ô•

no words can explain how fat i feel right now.

Ice cream.
giant slice of cheesecake.
jalapeno chips.

I intend to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning and insanely work out. Yes, that's my plan !

@ 8:33 PM

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